In this shot we have done shoulder shot, but form the back which gives the impression of the audience watching the killer. This gives the audience a sense of authority and the idea of being unseen which is what the audience would feel comfortable. I think that we need to use a different shot as to make the audience feel uncomfortable and vulnerable and which will make the killer (Laura) look powerful.
Here we have decided to do an over the shoulder shot. I think this connects the audience more with the killer, forcing them to look at the scene from her POV. I think this could be an effective shot if we are able angle the camera so, that it is clear what the shot is intending to focus on e.g the victim from the killer's POV.
In this shot we decided to use a high angle shot. In this picture you are able to see Laura's facial features, but when we film our teaser trailer she will be wearing a mask and so no facial features will be seen. This again makes the audience feel powerful and Laura look vulnerable. I think this shot is very good at pointing out things such as height and the physiology of the killer.
Here we have done the opposite shot, looking at a low angle shot. The roles are reversed where the audience in turn feel vulnerable and the killer looks powerful and significant. This would be a great opening introduction of the Killer I feel for our teaser trailer.
Hopefully when it comes to filming we will be able to reflect on the shots here used and decide the best shot for each scene.